Friday 1 April 2011


The crimson sun was setting, causing the faraway mountains to stand out in silhouette. A zephyr was billowing towards Connor, causing him to feel quite ecstasy. Connor, a Chelsea football fan, was still practicing kicking football at the field located near his house. The sky was turning grey, and darkness was enveloping the surroundings. Thus, he decided to make his way back home.
He picked up his mud-tattered football and placed it between his elbow and waist, and started his way back .He whistled as he walked, as he was apparently in a good mood. He decided to take a shortcut through a dark back-lane. It was totally deserted except for a stray cat trying to catch a very alert pigeon. He smiled at their antics. As he was busy noticing catching the two animals' antics, he didn't notice something was on the floor. He kicked it and went tripping. His ball rolled away while he suffered a grazed elbow. He grimaced, "What the…" he gaped, astonished as he saw a bulky rectangle shaped device. It possessed a square shaped liquid crystal screen which occupied half of the device. The other half was a keyboard like the one of the laptop's, except that it had a few unrecognizable symbols.
Half gaping, he stooped low and scooped the twinkling device up and was marveled by its advanced features. Afraid of other people seeing his discovery, he hastily pocketed the device. Connor decided to check the device out at night in his bedroom, which had more privacy. Thus, he quickened his pace 'cause he desired to reach home early.
Upon reaching home, he kept the rectangular device in his finger-print powered locker. The, he bathed and headed to the dining room to have dinner. Connor ate his dinner glumly. He had apparently lost his appetite. Right after eating his dinner, he paced towards his bedroom and locked the door silently, not before putting a "Don't Disturb" sign at the doorknob. Sure that he had full seclusion, he pressed his thumb on the finger-print sensor pad lightly, gradually adding the pressure. There was a bunch of words appeared on the screen. It said, "Fingerprint accustomed." There was a click sound being heard, followed by the opening of the locker. He retrieved the unknown device and used a piece of dry rag to polish it, making it as clean as if it was new. After that, Connor observed it. There was a fingerprint sensor on it. Connor hesitated for a moment and pressed his thumb on the sensor. There was a loud beep being let out from the device. His heart missed a beat but returned calm almost a millisecond later. He didn't need to worry about the fact that his mother would overhear 'cause the door of his room has sound proof abilities. He once again concentrated on the device, which had stopped beeping.
There were a few (again, unrecognizable) symbols appeared on the screen. He scratched his head while his brain felt simultaneously blank and confused. He continued looking at the device. It showed a map like the one on Google Earth. He swerved the semicircle on the device casually and to his astonishment, he found his house on the map. His eyes practically bulged out from their sockets. He was paralyzed for approximately one minute. The next moment, he was frantically fumbling with the semicircle thingy feverishly. Connor found the school he was studying in on the map. He gaped in awe. He then clicked the rectangle box on the corner of screen. He typed his grandfather's house address and clicked the "Enter" key. He didn't expect anything abnormal to happen.
Suddenly, his surroundings blurred as he was twirling gracefully like a dancer. There were all kinds of colours around him, such as burgundy, carroty-orange, amulet green, lavender, violet, purple, lilac, mauve, amethyst, heliotrope, baby blue, pink, et cetera. He was about to faint and puke when his surroundings stopped spinning. But he wasn't in his room anymore. He scanned his surroundings. Connor scarcely fainted. He flinched and the hair on his neck bristled repeatedly. He was right in front of his grandfather's house!!! "But, but, but… my grandfather's house is three hundred miles away from mine!!" he stammered out loud.
Connor quickly typed his house address on the rectangular box and once again, he was being hurled back to his house. Upon reaching his house, he found out that he was not in his room. He typed, "My room." On the rectangular box and he was right in his room. "Am I asleep and is this a dream?" he wondered out loud to no one. He slapped his face as hard as he could twice and tugged at his hair until some practically came out in bunches. "Aw," he grimaced. "Seems that this isn’t a dream." he muttered. His heart was pumping hard and fast because he had a colossal, gargantuan discovery. His legs felt simultaneously as heavy as lead and as irrepressible as jelly. His teeth were chattering as if they were skirmishing each other.
He decided to take another try to confirm the device's special abilities. He clicked the rectangle box and typed "The White house of United States of America.". He then braced himself for the make-a-mountain-out-of-a-molehill changes before hitting the "Enter" key. Instantly, he was again twirling as fast as lightning like a spinning top being hurled to the sandy ground .He and twirled, as thousands of colours appeared around him. He tried to diffract the sharp light beams around him but it was no avail. Connor really did puke this time. He vomited frequently and fainted halfway. When he awoke, he was not in his room anymore. He was right in front of a white palace. Frankly speaking, he was right in front of the White House! Because of the 24-hour system, the sun had rose to its zenith and was shining vibrantly. His eyes bulged out and he gulped down the drooling saliva. He made his way to the bush by the pathway. He decided to hide there and see what was happening. Connor waited patiently. Just when he was about to lose his patience, the front door opened wide and two soldiers dressed in starched white uniforms marched out, followed by two persons Connor never anticipated to meet~~~ Obama, and right behind him, was Biden. A jet-helicopter descended from the sky deliberately and lingered, when it finally landed with a soft thud. Obama, Biden and the two bodyguards marched into the opened door, babbling off among each other. Once the four persons were safely inside, the door closed automatically with a loud 'ping'. The aircraft ascended rapidly and in a moment, it was out of earshot and eyeshot. Connor squatted there, mesmerized by the scene in front of him. After a minute, he rubbed his eyes and shook his head. It was paranoid! He met Obama and Biden in real life! It was totally ballistic! Insane! Mad!
He fumbled to search for his teleporting device, as he named it. Upon finding it, he typed his home address and hit "Enter". Once again, after approximately one minute later, he was back in his house. He teleported back to his room once he regained consciousness and lay flat on his bed, face down. His mind raced as he thought about his trip just now. He had just travelled half of the world for only one minute! And he just met the president of the United States of America! What a discovery! Connor kept the teleporting device in his locker and locked it. Then, he sent a silent thank to God for giving him such a useful device. After that, he shut his eyes and drifted into a sleep with sweet dreams.
Early next day, Connor woke up groggily at his alarm clock's ring. He rubbed his eyes, and headed towards the bathroom to brush his teeth, as he was a hygienic person. Right after washing his face, the fact about the teleporting device darted into his mind. He practically jumped three feet into the air. On the next moment, he was fumbling with his toothbrush and pulling it through and forth. He finished his brushing in approximately thirty seconds and rushed out of the bathroom. Connor than wolfed down on his breakfast in rapid gulps till he almost choked and convulsed.
 After that, he returned to his room and once again, locked the door and took the device out from his locker and turned it on. He clicked the rectangular box and typed "Antarctic" without going through thinking process. He hit the "Enter" without hesitating and suddenly, a horrible fact darted into his mind. What if there isn't any thick clothing provided upon reaching there? Connor would freeze and eventually die! "Too late!" he thought and said a prayer to God. Then, he waited to meet StarClan.
He was hurled and twirled around like a dancer. He was sometimes upside down, sometimes standing. The surroundings cooled and he started to shiver and his teeth were chattering as if they were combating each other. Out of sudden, he felt as if his mother wrapped a piece of thick blanket around him. He felt as warm as possible. Actually, he was wearing a piece of thick, furry winter jacket. Without warning, he hit solid ground.
Actually, solid ice. He had reached his destination. The coldest place on planet Earth. The place that has no civilization. The home of penguins and many other winter animals. Antarctic.
Connor got to his feet in a great deal. He was wearing a ten centimeter thick heliotrope jacket. His legs were armed with an eight centimetre thick trousers, while his hands were protected with a pair of black coloured gloves. He wore a goggle like spectacle to protect his eyes from the billowing wind. "What an outfit!!!" he exclaimed out loud but his voice was being buried by the loud sounds of the wind. Connor wandered around for a while and decided to return home. He desired to return here next time, bringing a digital camera. Thus, he could capture the stunning winter photos here. Half a minute later, he was back in his room, gazing at the well furnished walls of it.
Without any reason, he had the urge to teleport to Singapore. He desired to pay the Singapore Flyer a visit and board it. So, he checked his wallet. There was five hundred ringgit inside. "More than enough." He thought. He then pocketed his wallet and grabbed his digital camera. After that, he typed "Singapore Flyer" on the rectangle box and hit "Enter". Thus, he was being teleported there.
Upon reaching Singapore, he found the Singapore Flyer. He bought the ticket, which cost approximately 30 Singapore Dollar (approximately 72 Ringgit). After waiting for half an hour, he managed to grab a seat on the Singapore Flyer.
The scenery aboard the Flyer was superb and magnificent. Connor was gaping and gasping continuously till he forgotten to capture pictures in the first round. On the second round, he was fumbling feverishly with his digital camera, taking photos of the terrific and outstanding scenery. His camera's memory was one gigabyte so he didn't have to worry that the memory was not enough.
After about five rounds, he left the Singapore Flyer. His mind was racing about, thinking about his experience just now. He had just boarded one of the world's most splendid wheel for a small fortune! What an experience.
          Connor bought a glass of lemonade from the nearby stall. His eyes glittered at the yellowish lemonade and its wonderful aroma. He inhaled a full mouth of breath and let the flavour drift into his glands, savouring every smell. Then, he took the glass to his lips and devoured it in quick, rapid gulps, enjoying its fabulous taste. Its pleasant smell comforted his throat. The cooling beverage slid down Connor’s oesophagus and dripped into his stomach, soothing every portion as it went through. The whole glass was suddenly empty as he finished every drip of this delicious, cooling juice. He felt like he was on cloud nine after he finished the juice and the dryness in his throat miraculously vanished. He exhaled a sigh of satisfaction. “Ah.” He bought one glass more to quench his irresistible thirst. That went on until he had five glasses.
          Connor decided to pay the toilet a visit as he had the sudden urge to pee. He staggered in an awkward angle and reached the toilet in no time. Upon reaching the toilet, he entered and urinated right into the toilet bowl. There were some shrill lady shrieks being heard from the outside. Actually, he had entered the ladies toilet. The hilarious fact really brought back sense to Connor. As he was stuck in the female toilet and if he comes out, he would be laughed by the girls outside, he decided to teleport straight back to his home. He hastily typed his home address, followed by “My room”. He then hit the “Enter” key without hesitating. He closed his eyes and waited for the normal changes.
          But, after one minute, still no changes occurred. That really made a great effect on Connor’s senses. Connor’s eyes flew wide in dismay and disbelieve. He thumped his fist on the screen, which had turned dark. Still, there was nothing. “Oh, man!” he whispered out in dismay. The hair on the back of his neck was bristling and an icy lump had formed on the pit of his stomach. He started to perspire. The device had malfunctioned. Connor was stuck at Singapore!

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