Friday 29 April 2011


The night was austere and quiet, the rhythmic chirping of the birds and the squeaking of the insects obviously audible. The sounds of nature were also contorted with the distant rumbling of traffic, assembling a weird but nice orchestral music. I walked through the dark alley that was only lit by a few flickering and dull streetlamps, briefly pausing to enjoy the billowing zephyrs that soothed my aura and made me euphoric all over. The full moon that was hanging on its zenith, made the surroundings even eerie. Heartbeat racing, I quickened my pace, determined to leave this uncanny alley.
            The hushed surroundings were suddenly disturbed, as a boisterous revving of a motorcycle entered my auditory canal. A millisecond later, the motorcycle, which I recognized as a Honda 350EX, sped past me. Without warning, a lithe hand flashed out and wrenched away my briefcase, making me stumble. Quick as lightning, I regained my balance and swung both my hands up and made a desperate grasp for my briefcase. The propinquity at that exact moment was totally crucial. Fortunately, I managed to circle my fingers around the sling of my briefcase and I started tugging with all my might. I wasn’t preparing to lose my briefcase as there were lots of important and confidential documents in my laptop.
            Precedent to the following moments, I was a blur of motion, tugging against the turbo of the engine as the biker and his sidekick tried to get away from me with their loot. Suddenly my six sense tingled. Something felt wrong with my proximity with the baddies. Instantaneously, something white and shiny flashed out. With a sickening lurch, my eyes recognized it as a Glock pistol. Without a second of hesitation, my superbly developed survival instinct kicked in. I dodged out of the pistol’s aim and attempted a kick at the pistol-wielding-guy’s back.
            My kick never made contact with the guy’s back. The bad guy must have supreme reflexes, as he swung the pistol in a wide arc and squeezed of two shots. Suddenly the time slowed down perceptibly. The 9mm bullet exited the nozzle of the pistol and travelled speedily, closing the gap between the gun and my abdomen. I gazed disbelievingly and both my hands and legs were frozen stiff. Then I felt it. The bullet shredded my skin, muscle, viscera as it impaled itself in my abdomen. It felt like my body was on fire. I was oblivious of the fact that the baddies were speeding away with my laptop as my body flew backwards and I collapsed onto the ground, my abdomen heaving. Hot, balmy blood spurted copiously from the gunshot wound and trickled down to the ground, staining it and turning it into a dark shade of red. The whole moment was terribly excruciating.
            In the melancholy moment, I was surprisingly alert that I was losing consciousness rapidly. Groaning in pain, I fumbled my pockets and fished out my I-phone. I punched in the speed dial and waited patiently, calming my throbbing nerves.
            “Yes?” a lazy voice greeted me.
           “Dad,” I gasped out, my voice barely audible. “I’ve been shot. I’m near Walton road. I——” I paused awhile. My father’s voice was instantaneously frantic and alert.
            “Hang on there, kiddo. I’ll be there in no time. Don’t give up, ’kay? Hang on!” he was literally yelling. “Okay,” I grunted, unconsciousness almost overwhelming me. “I’m coming!” he shouted for the last time and killed the call.
            “I love you, dad!” I whispered into the dead receiver and felt my mind slip into the sea of unconsciousness.
I had the inebriated feeling that I’d been asleep for a very long time ----- my body was stone stiff, like I hadn’t moved once through all the time either. My mind was dazed and slow; strange, colourful dreams --- dreams and nightmares --- swirled dizzily around the inside of my head. They were so vivid and difficult to diffract. The horrible and the heavenly all mixed together in a bizarre jumble. There was a sharp impatience and fear, both part of the frustrating dream where your feet can’t move fast enough……. And there were plenty of monsters, red-eyed fiends that were all the more ghastly for their genteel civility. My ligaments and joints started to harden as the synovial fluids lessened. The dream was still strong ----- I could still remember every single detail. My body had frozen for a long, long time, as if I had signed up for cryogenics and the idea of waking up seemed pathetically abstractive.
Thud, thud, thud, thud. I can still feel my heart beating. Does that mean that I am still alive? The Bible doesn’t explain about life after death, or does it?
“Steven~ Steven~” I wrenched back my eyelids immediately. Although soft and soothing, the sound possessed the unique ability in waking me up. I swiveled my head and glanced around frantically. Everything is a blur. I was temporarily blinded by the bright light, and it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust and diffract the light. I was slumped at a fluffy surface that looked like clouds.
“Steven~ Steven~” the chanting continued. My heart pounded. I scrutinized my surroundings even harder. Finally, I saw it. It was a pale figure, too pale for a human, and was wearing a denim jacket and onyx pants. There was a glowing halo above it, and there were two rotating wheels, each beneath its legs and it began to glide over towards me. I took an involuntary step backwards and scrutinized it even harder. There was something of the figure that reminded me of somebody in particular. With a sickening thud, I realized who it was, and my mind reeled in recognition. The figure, which I’d not recognized initially, was a duplicate of myself.
“Steven~” ‘Steven’ chanted as he glided towards me. I examined his face. The contours of his face and the colour of his eyes were identical to mine. I was astounded.
“Who are you?” I croaked, my voice gibberish.
‘Steven’ fixed his ultramarine eyes on mine and spoke, in a deep-toned voice. “I am The Angel of Death, one of the long-forgotten characters in Ancient Mythology. Some people imagine me as a myth, not realistic, but, yet I still exist. I can take any human form I wish, as you can see, I had taken your form for the moment, and I can change back——” ‘Steven’ started to morph and mutate, the familiar contours and colours changing and evolving into a grotesque figure, which started to form a incredibly beautiful and elegant girl, who was around her eighteens. “——to my original form, which is, like what you are seeing now.” She spoke and blushed delicately.
“W-what’s your actual name then?” I enquired, stuttering a bit as I was a bit stunned at her beauty. “My name, which is rarely spoken in Ancient Mythology, is Piarra,” she gazed at me intensely and continued, her voice soft and soothing. “And I am here to show you the imperative moments of your entire life, and judge whether you are going to heaven or you’re going to be banished to the depths of Tartarus.” She ended her speech with an eerie voice that sent chills down my back.          
My pulse quickened and I tried to calm it down. Piarra’s words had taken its effect on me. My heart pounded furiously, and I asked, “What’s my fate then?” Piarra glanced at me with disgust, and I knew straightaway that something was bad, really bad. Before I could hyperventilate, Piarra fished out a wand which had a yellow star atop it, and with a flick of her wand, the entire surroundings quieted instantly, as if someone had hit the ‘Pause’ button.
Then, as if a volcano was erupting, a deep rumbling sound was heard, and four identical rectangular walls emerged dramatically from the cumulonimbus clouds and settled down to build a fortress surrounding us both.
“This wall,” Piarra gestured at the wall facing us, “Is the Early Wall. It shows you the early stages of your life, from the day you’re born to your child days. This wall,” Piarra pointed to the east wall, “Is the Intermediate Wall. It shows you the days of your teens. The Middle Wall and the Elderly Wall,” Piarra flicked her wand to the west and south walls, “shows you the days of your middle ages and your aging days, which will not be in use.” I grimaced. The fact that I’d died young was simply excruciating to think about.
 Piarra then wound her lithe arm around my waist and gestured for me to sit down, which I obliged. To my amazement, there was a pair of comfy couches, which had appeared out of nowhere. Glancing at Piarra with full esteem, I settled my pinkish butt on the couch, and exhaled a gasp of satisfaction. As if on cue, the sofa started to massage my aching back, and it all felt like heaven. Piarra gave me a soft squeeze on my biceps and I snapped back to reality, only to see Piarra smiled sweetly at me, her angelic face innocent. Before I could protest, the surroundings walls suddenly came into life——
——and I wasn’t situated on the clouds anymore. I was standing on the balcony of my hostel. Wait, that isn’t my hostel at all. It’s my house, the one I stayed for twelve whole years with my family. A wave of nostalgia whipped me in the face, and I stumbled. Piarra steadied my arm with a strong grip, and spoke in a strong voice, “Steady, my warrior. You are here to watch your life cycle. Don’t be afraid as I’ll always by your side to guide you.”
Her appearance and touch not only surprised me, and also gave me strength and adrenaline. I steadied my footing and held her gaze steadily. “Yes I will, my Princess.” I whispered in a serious voice that made us both burst out laughing. Her giggle sounded like the musical tinkling of the xylophone, which soothed my ears.
A cry suddenly brought me back to the shore of reality. Piarra and I swiveled our heads and glanced towards the source of sound. The scene that befell my eyes was familiar, yet hard to remember. A small toddler, whom I recognized as myself around 18 months of age, was crawling across the wooden tiling and giggling constantly. The whole prospect was totally idyllic and serene.
“Ssssss…. . .” a sinister hissing sound was suddenly heard, a sound that blended into the rustling of the leaves, and a sound that I immediately recognized as the hissing of a cobra. My stomach churned in trepidation. “NO!” I yelled and pitched forward, as the cobra stroke. I grabbed for the snake’s throat, only to pass right THROUGH it and crash painfully onto the ground. I grimaced and watched as the cobra lodged its fangs onto ‘my’ hand and started pumping venom into ‘my’ bloodstream, unable to help.
“Steven, stand up,” Piarra laid a hand on my arm and pulled me up. “We are here to witness, and not to interfere. We cannot change the past, so——” her speech was interrupted by the crescendo of ‘my’ crying. As I tore away my gaze from Piarra and focused on the scene that unfolded itself in front of me, I saw that the cobra had dislodged its fangs from ‘my’ hand and it began to slither away to the cover of undergrowth.  
The younger me started to stifle his sobs and his face started to turn into a light shade of green. A cobra’s sting was life-threatening for an adult, not to say an 18-month old toddler. But what Piarra said next was a bolt from the blue.
“You escaped death once, you know,” I glanced at her, eyes wide. Her expression was unreadable, and her gaze was distant.  “Hades once wanted to kill a dozen of toddlers because of his sudden outrage, and you were one of those unfortunate chosen ones,” she paused for a second and lowered her head. When she continued, her voice was barely audible. “I sensed there was something special in you, something that I recognized as gallantry, and I had faith that you’ll turn into a heroic warrior. Thus I begged Hades to set you free from his wrath, which he finally granted, not before sending me to complete one of the Labours,” she glanced up and met me fully in the eye. “The Labour that I managed to accomplish fortunately.”
As I glanced back at ‘me’ I found out that the snakebite marks were perceptibly fading, and ‘my’ cherubic face gradually changed back into the normal reddish lively state.
I was traumatized by her affection towards me and the sacrifice she made bravely just to save my little life. I admired her daring to confront Hades, and her virtuoso in completing the Labour. Her valour she showed impressed me perceptibly, and engraved itself in my memory for perpetuity.
“Piarra,” I cupped my hands on her face, and was thrilled that she didn’t resist me. “I have only two words to say to you. Although short and precise, I still wish it comprises all my intensity. Thank you.” I held my gaze firmly and we stayed like that for quite a long time. The entire moment was indescribable. Piarra broke the stare first, as she looked down and murmured, “You’re welcome.” She fished out her wand and flicked it——
——and I was standing in a joyous primary school compound. “Come with me,” Piarra ushered me to follow her. We sprinted across the not-so-vast school compound and came to a stop in front of a boisterous classroom. With a wave of recognition, I realized that the classroom was the one I studied in when I was in primary school. Scrutinizing the wave of children, I spotted myself standing behind the classroom. Walking closer, with Piarra by my side, I realized that the younger me was flanked by a few burly bullies and was sneering.
“Puny little sissy, you can’t even dare to take off your panties and poo, you’ll just poo in your panties!” and the crowd roared in laughter. Jeers and boos were heard constantly from the crowd. I focused on the ‘bully magnet’ and saw that the little guy was crying hysterically, his face buried in his hands. His hair was rumpled, and his school uniform was torn and ragged.
“You were a school bully when you were eleven, a head bully, to be exact,” Piarra’s voice was monotonous, and I could sense a tinge of disappointment in her voice. “This little guy, whose name was Gerald, was your target since you became a bully. He was physically and mentally bullied, and his soul and aura was terribly wounded. Whenever he returned home, he’ll throw tantrums and try to suffocate himself by burying his head in a pillow. Until one day, when he couldn’t bear it anymore, let’s see what happened,” Piarra waved her wand a little and the image blurred.
 On the next moment, Piarra and I were following Gerald home. Upon reaching his house, he flung open the door with a loud ‘bang’ and threw his bag away. Then, he retrieved a long rope from a cabinet and tied the rope to the fan. Immediately an inauspicious feeling started to build up in my chest and I knew what was going to happen next. As I watched on with agonizing eyes, Gerald tied a noose to his neck and kicked the chair beneath him that supported his weight. “NO!!!!” I yelled desperately perceptibly anguished. The image of Gerald dangling from the rope——
——disappeared and  I was looking into the sapphire eyes of Piarra’s.
“Just because you desired a moment of entertainment, a moment of power-wielding euphoria, you caused a young, innocent soul to obliterate itself. You never thought of that before, and you even shrugged callously when you heard about Gerald’s death. You were just so malicious, did you realize that?” Piarra was shouting now, and I could see tears in her eyes. “Answer me, Steven. DID YOU??!!!” Piarra cried.
The surroundings were hushed and I could hear the heaving of Piarra’s chest perceptibly. “You disappointed me, my Warrior.” She whispered.
Sighing, I tried my best to come up with an articulated apology. “I’m sorry, my Princess. I’ve failed you miserably. Mission failed. It’s my entire fault. I’ve been too big-headed all the time. I am terribly sorry.”
Piarra waved away my words dismissively as if I was an annoying fly. Sniffing disdainfully, she waved her wand again——
——and I found myself back home. We were situated in the kitchen this time, and I could hear the indistinct voice of quarreling. Exchanging a glance with Piarra, I sprinted into the dining room. What entered my spectrum was more familiar than the previous few, as it happened just 5years ago, when I was 13 years old.
              “You’ve had enough, Steve, that’s it——your mobile phone will be confiscated for three whole months, and the period could be extended if you still do not feel repentant!” my mom was yelling.
The younger me shouted back in protest, “NO! I won’t give you my freaking mobile phone and that’s it. Case closed!” as I stomped away.
“You stand right where you are, Steven Alberto Loque!” My mom commanded, her voice trembling. Examining her face, I could see that she was on the verge of tears.
‘I’ froze in my tracks and turned my head deliberately to face her. “You’re ordering me, mom?” ‘I’ asked in a dangerous voice.
“Y-yes.” My mother replied, her voice taut probably because of the tension.
“Fine.” I snapped and winding my hand back in a wide arc, I let it go with all my might, and sent my mobile phone flying over to my mother. It struck her right on the forehead with a sickening crunch, and my mother’s head whipped back violently.
The next moment, as I watched on speechlessly, featured my mother fainting onto the ground. The younger me was perceptibly horrified by his own action, as he rushed over to my mother’s side, examining her forehead. The whole moment was totally poignant and depressing.
Instinctively, I rushed forward to help, but only to knock head-first onto a transparent wall. Groaning, I turned back to face Piarra, who watched at the scene that played itself in front of her, completely expressionless. I sighed.
“I know, this is my fault again——
            “Shut up.” Piarra said quietly. “Your foolish and imprudent actions caused your mother to be injured seriously, and you just want to say sorry. Just a simple sorry cannot make your mother as good as new. Think of it, Steven. Think of all the moral values you have learned. Do any of them teach you to act irrationally? Do any of them teach you to injure your parents on purpose? Yeah, the stupidest idiot would know the answer is ‘NO’, with capital letters. But you still do it, Steven. Did I make the wrong choice to save you from Hades’s wrath? Did I?” Piarra asked profusely, glancing at me the whole time.
            Dipping my head in absolute shame, I shuffled my legs and debated whether to beg for forgiveness or to preserve my dignity. But before I could attempt either deed, Piarra whipped out her wand in a flourish and not before giving me a contemptuous glare, she waved her wand——

——and I was standing on a rocky slope of a hill. After a moment of hesitation, I realized that it was the venue for the hill-climb competition I participated last year.
“Why did you bring me here?” I enquired, remembering that I didn’t do anything wrong during the hill-climb, except maybe killing a dozen of ants during the endeavour up the hill. “Watch.” was Piarra’s only answer.
Thus, I stayed along with Piarra to watch what she meant for me to see. To my surprise, as I examined Piarra’s facial expression, she was in quite a good mood, which was a large margin of difference with her mood in the last two flashbacks. Her face was flushed, the vermillion tinge on her cheeks made her gorgeous as ever. Her lips tugged a little as the beginning of a smile. Maybe, I thought. Things are changing for the optimistic side.
Time flew like a river would rush down a waterfall. The minuscule fragments of time littered the entire landscape but still, nothing arrived or changed. My stomach started to churn in trepidation. Had my subconscious mind had been erroneous? Are things still on the appalling side? Had the sight of Piarra’s sudden change of mood been a delusion? Uncountable questions swirled around in my mind, making me nauseous.
When I thought I was about to faint of boredom and inauspiciousness, the faint silhouette of a human appeared in my peripheral vision. As I scrutinized the figure harder, I recognized the figure as Donald Herald, the leading runner. All came into focus, as I remembered what happened. My heart pounded in relieve, and I knew Piarra’s abrupt vary of mood and her intention to bring me here. Finally, all ends in a blissful ending.
I watched contently at the events that replayed itself in front of me. Donald, careless, klutzy Donald, suddenly tripped over a stray rock when he wandered to far towards the edge. Apparently stupefied, he made no attempt to get back his equilibrium as he fell over the edge. His luck held, as he managed to grab a strong root with his hands and there he dangled precariously, his body inches from falling away into the abyss of the cliff. Shock rippled through his torso and he shrieked shrilly, hoping desperately that someone would come by coincidentally and save him before his hands gave way and he was swallowed by the void beneath him.
            Then I saw myself, the younger me, trotting forward and upon hearing the loud shrieks, stiffened perceptibly and hurried towards the source of the voice. When ‘I’ saw Donald hanging perilously on the root, without a moment of hesitation and despite the lassitude and lethargy that clung like an annoying tick to ‘my’ body, ‘I’ leaned downwards and yelled, “Grab my hands!” Donald stared up at ‘me’ like a vulnerable duckling and with his free hand; he grabbed ‘my’ hand.
            Cursing, ‘I’ heaved with all my might. Donald weighed a hundred pounds and he was famous for his substantial reputation. Feeling as if ‘my’ body could break into a zillion pieces, ‘I’ was tempted to let go of his hand and save ‘my’ own butt. Suddenly, a thought, a solitary thought broke into ‘my’ subconscious mind and an abrupt wave of adrenaline override all the stupor. Thus with a sudden burst of energy ‘I’ gave in all ‘my’ strength and gave a mighty heaved, which probably saved both Donald’s and ‘my’ lives. The heave sent both Donald and me flying backwards towards the safety zone. Then I saw the younger me surrendered into the wave of unconsciousness.
            As usual, the image disappeared and I whirled around to face Piarra. To my expectations, Piarra beamed at me, her flawless face glowing and incredibly lovely. I smiled back at her and waited for her to speak.
            “You didn’t disappoint me this time, my warrior,” I brightened at her revitalizing words. “Instead, you impressed me with your wonderful, superb gallantry and valour. You could bear the profound and imperative conscientiousness of two precious lives, and even though you were almost submerged by the sea of exhaustion and fatigue, and you still held on to the thin chance of saving you both. You are such a courage-filled warrior, and your impossible audacity and impudence couldn’t be competed to any other human being in existence. I shower you with absolute praise and extol, my warrior, for you succeeded in the grapple with Grim Reaper. Continue with your wonderful deeds, my warrior!” Piarra exclaimed, her voice enthusiastic.
            Gratified towards her praise, I embraced her and felt her slender body mold into me. When the embrace ended, she spoke, her voice soft and solemn.
            “Now is the time we part, as I’ve shown you the highlights of your life. When we part, you’ll not be able to see me again, for this is disallowed,” there was a tinge of sadness in her voice. “I may appear in your dreams, your fictional visions, but never in real life. So, I guess, this is the part where we say our goodbyes.” Piarra finished her little speech and sniffed.
            This was the moment I dreaded the most. I’d expected with consternation that my time with Piarra was limited, but never anticipated it to be so short. Struggling to keep my voice calm, I spoke, “My dear Piarra, princess, Angel of Death, I appreciate your willingness to show me the moments of my life, and to risk your life to save me from Hades’s wrath. I am repentant penitent for all the mistakes and blunders that I’d made throughout my life, no matter major or minor, and I promise not to repeat them again. Again, I express my gratitude towards you, Piarra, and please forgive me for my mistakes. Thank you, and sorry.” I was proud that my voice didn’t waver, and I was able to perform an articulated speech, although my heart was sick with longing, a longing to stay with Piarra for eternity.
            “I accept your thanks and apology. For the meantime, we must part,” Piarra gazed at me with desire, and I returned the gaze with the similar intensity. “Farewell, my warrior, and fare well in your following lifetime. You may choose to forget me, or to remember me forever; it’s all up to you.” When I started to protest that I would never forget her, she silenced me with a finger. What she did next would be etched into my memory for perpetuity.
            Piarra tiptoed up and deliberately, she leaned towards me and kissed me gently on the lips. Her kiss was sweet and exploring, not tentative, and I grabbed her tightly and kissed her back. The kiss lasted for thirty seconds, but to me it felt like five. I yearned for more, knowing that it was impossible. When our lips parted, she gazed directly into my eyes and gasped, “This was the first time I’d kissed a human, and I find it soothing and comfy. I love you, Steven, my brave warrior. Although it’s a must to part with you, but I will always remember you. Let me give you my blessing and wish you ultimate luck in your following life.” She said and kissed me on my forehead lightly.
            Whispering back, “I love you too, Piarra, and I’ll never forget you.” We embraced for the last time, and I whispered, “Goodbye, Piarra, may my blessing accompany you in your following missions.”
            “Goodbye, Steven, and may you soar high in your career, your love life and your health. May luck assist you to achieve higher results.” Piarra sobbed and stepped back, wand in hand.
            As she waved her wand, I felt myself fade into unconsciousness. The only thing I felt was the balmy tears that trickled down my cheek.
            “Wake, darling, wake, I beg you.” A crying voice jolted me back to consciousness. As I opened my eyes deliberately, I found my mom and dad crying uncontrollably, along with my relatives. My heart ached as I saw the scar on my mom’s forehead.
            “I am awake now, mom,” My voice sounded like a toad’s croak, and I cleared my throat. The pain in my abdomen was still throbbing, and I struggled to reach up and hug my mom, only to be held still by my dad. “No, dear, you’re convalescing, and what you need is rest. Don’t strain yourself to do anything.” His voice broke a little, a visible fact that he had been crying.
            “Dad, mom…” I sniffed as tears trickled down my cheek. “What’s it, darling?” mom and dad asked simultaneously. “I love you both. And I’m so terribly sorry of my wrongdoings in the past two decades. I swear to change my evil behavior——
            My dad silenced me with his finger. “I think you hit your head pretty hard, so please rest, only that you’ll recover,” my dad said sternly, but I sensed a tinge of understanding in his voice. “Dad……” I protested, exasperated.  I fumbled to utter a well-articulated apology. “Sorry, mom and dad, I and really sorry and I will change my behavior from now on. Please kindly acknowledge my apology and forgive me.” I glanced at them straight in their eyes.
            Sobbing, my mom spluttered, “It’s alright, darling, don’t worry. You’ll always be forgiven, my son.” She leaned down and kissed me softly on the forehead. My father squeezed my hand tightly. I closed my eyes, contented, my heart strumming peacefully. Finally, I thought, my puzzle is complete.
            But one single piece was still missing——Piarra, as it will always be. Although I understand that we will never meet anymore, but she will always be the angel in my heart, no matter what.

Friday 1 April 2011

A Most Unusual Day

When I woke up groggily, my whole body was freezing cold. The tips of my fingers were light heliotrope, while my fingernails were white and almost cracking. My head was a little woozy, while my legs felt like sculptures of ice. I got up, only to flinch instinctively. The marble floor was like icebergs! Bracing myself, I tiptoed to the toilet. When I glanced briefly towards the mirror, I was shocked. My eyes were red, while my nose was dark purple. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a couple of times. This was not a dream. This was real!

            I staggered back into my room, dazed and disoriented. I calmed down a little and turned to check on the temperature (I had a thermometer on my bedside table). “Oh, dear!” I whispered aloud. The thermometer read 7 degrees Celsius! This was certainly an unusual temperature for the hot, balmy Malaysia. I got up straight away and all my sleepiness disappeared. I went to the dining room for my breakfast, and headed for school. My parents had already left for work an hour earlier.

            When I reached school, my suspicion was confirmed. The school was terribly abnormal. Many students were wearing jackets while others huddled close together. Their teeth were chattering due to the cold. Some kind students shared their jackets by wrapping them around those who had none. It was pure lucky that I bought along a warm and cozy woolly jacket. As the school bell rang loudly, each of us trotted into the classroom. We sat together in groups. We did not seem to be in the mood to study. Many students sulked copiously while some sneezed continuously. They seemed to have caught the flu.

            I stopped when I reached my seat. The metal handle of the chair was surprisingly icy. Luckily the seat was made of plastic, or else my pinkish bottom would have frozen. Throughout the whole lesson of Calculus, the whole class was unusually quiet and silent, unlike the normal pub-like situation. The teacher, Mr. Walter, sniffed contemptuously and sneezed continuously. I rolled my eyes when Mr. Walter yelled feebly, “Class dismissed!” Nobody moved a muscle. After a couple of heartbeats, then only we got up groggily, as if we had just awakened from a long, long dream.

            During recess, we all huddled together around the tables. Apparently, we are in no mood to eat the tantalizing food although the aroma wafted around our nose. I bought a hot bowl of porridge – a really unusual thing for me to do and wolfed it down. Two bars of milk chocolate added to my buying list. That is because chocolate can restore the heat in my body. When the bell rang for the school dismissal, I trotted back home. The weather was still cold and freezing.

            Later that day, my family and I lived in cold and agony. The fire on the stove kept stalling every time we turned it on. At least, during mid-afternoon, the weather cleared and the freezing mist that enveloped our town finally parted.

            Today was really an unusual day, wasn’t it?

The Day The Tap Runs Dry

had the inebriated feeling that I’d been asleep for a very long time ----- my body was stone stiff, like I hadn’t moved once through all the time either. My mind was dazed and slow; strange, colourful dreams --- dreams and nightmares --- swirled dizzily around the inside of my head. They were so vivid and difficult to diffract. The horrible and the heavenly, all mixed together in a bizarre jumble. There was a sharp impatience and fear, both part of the frustrating dream where your feet can’t move fast enough……. And there were plenty of monsters, red-eyed fiends that were all the more ghastly for their genteel civility. My ligaments and joints started to harden as the synovial fluids lessened. The dream was still strong ----- I could still remember every single detail. My body had frozen for a long, long time, as if I had signed up for cryogenics and the idea of waking up seemed pathetically abstractive.
“BRRIIINGGGG!!!!!” The boisterous ringing of my miniature alarm clock disturbed my reverie, tugging me back from my dreamland. It took me almost a millennium to wrench back my substantial eyelids and dispel the illusion as I was quite reluctant. I blinked my lead-heavy eyelids a dozen of times and rubbed them repetitively. “Oh, God!” I mouthed. Excessive mucus from my eyes had hardened into thick-yellowish fluids. My rubbing of my eyes had smeared the mucus all over my face. My pretty face! Instantaneously, I dashed into the bathroom and glanced into the mirror. What I saw there almost made me vomit out some stomach bile. “Hi, Dracula!” I greeted myself. I quickly wiped my face with a piece of fragrant wet tissue and a brand new look greeted me. “Ah!” I exhaled in satisfaction.  Suddenly, my subconscious mind came knocking. I had an inauspicious feeling. My six sense told me that something is going to turn very, very bad today. I shrugged off the feeling and continued on to brush my teeth.
Then the most unexpected incident greeted me. As I turned the tap 90 degrees, not even a solitary drop of water came out of the tap, let alone the familiar gushing of the water. I thought vaguely that  it was a hallucination so I turned the tap a few more times, sometimes turning it in the opposite direction, but all my trials were in vain. I sensed something amiss and a lump began to form at the pit of my stomach. I rushed into the kitchen and tried the tap there but I experienced the same thing. Precedently to the later moments, I was a blur, testing every tap in the house. At last, my worst fears were confirmed after I tested the last tap in my house (which was the tap by the pond) ----- today was the day the tap runs dry.
As today was Sunday, my parents and my sister were still sleeping like logs. I frantically ran into their room like a crazy madman, barely toppling the furniture arranged nicely in my parents’ bedroom. Then I literally shook their arms, almost dislocating their shoulder blades as I tried my best to pull them back from dreamland as my parents and my sister were sound sleepers. When they both started to protest groggily why I woke them up 2 hours earlier than usual, I hastily shushed them and informed them of the depressing news. The news made them wide awake straightaway and they both went into frenzy.  I smiled slightly at their endearing antics but my smile quickly evolved into a deep frown that seemed to be engraved into my forehead for perpetuity. I calmed my parents down and we all sat in the dining room and tried to think of how to cope with the grim problem.
“What should we do now?” my father enquired.
“Dunno. I really wish the water comes back --- my mouth stinks like mouse bile.” I pouted.
“Congrats, you’ve just won yourself the Best-Smelling-Mouth-Award. Woohoo!” my sister clapped and cheered in mock cheerfulness.
“Thank you, Miss Sunshine.” I mumbled, blushing at my sister’s sarcastic praise.
“Hey, guys, we must focus on how to solve the problem!” my mother commented lazily, apparently bored by our childish behaviours.
“Hey I think we should contact the PBA.” I was the first (and only) one to come up with a sensible and not quixotic answer.
So, we all contacted the PBA as planned. The Malay operator told us in a monotonous and droning voice that the water supply to our region had been cut off due to the major water pipe burst somewhere near our village. As the operator droned on, we managed to find out that the water pipe burst had ensued quite a flood to the surroundings and the workers had to cut off the water supply to our village to carry out maintenances to the major pipe burst. When my father enquired in his I-am-trying-to-be-patient-now tone about the water supply availability, the operator hesitated temporarily and squeaked out in a soft voice, “Maybe past midnight.” “Oh, man!” we all groaned excruciatingly as if we were being stabbed and my exasperated father killed the call.
Later that day, we all patronized the nearest food court to eat lunch (breakfast was skipped, obviously). To our utmost amazement, the food court was fully packed with people, mostly residents from this area. We had to wait tolerantly for around forty-five minutes until we finally got our lunch. We gobbled up the remnants of our lunch sullenly, the tantalizing food surprisingly tasteless. Even my favourite spaghetti tasted like a clump of mushy dung. We all were perceptibly in a morose mood as we left the food court in silence. Before returning home, my father dropped by a convenient shop and bought three bottles of 5 litres mineral water. My father told me that he was totally dumbfounded by the fact that these three bottles were the last ones in the convenient shop. During the normal days, the convenient shop is usually packed with thousands of this kind of bottles.  It seems like the water cut had taken its toll after all.
When we returned home, still sulking, we didn’t even bathe at all. We only dared to sacrifice a single bottle of our precious water to wipe our sweaty bodies with a piece of clean cloth. Our bodies still stank a little but at least the revolting stench had decreased by a large margin. During the hot and stuffy afternoon, I tried hard to concentrate in my revision but to no avail. The dehydration started to make me dizzy and the propinquity of my room suddenly intimidated me, as I closed my eyes tight. I have never been agoraphobic or claustrophobic before, but abruptly the whole room started to expand and contract simultaneously, squeezing my brain and agitating me. I felt like hyperventilating and suffering from hypoxia at the same time as my body disordered and the oxygen and carbon dioxide escaped with a ‘whoosh’ from my brain. I felt utterly disoriented and organized both at the same time as my eyes blanked and came back to focus repeatedly. All the thirst I endured today suddenly tripled and quadrupled and I felt like fainting. Then, as rapid as it came, the nauseous feeling left my head and everything cleared.
To my utmost relief, I was still in my study room, not whizzed off to another dimension and have little green guys wiping my bottom as I do my business. Or maybe having blue glutinous glue served as lunch. Interwoven with my relief, there was another feeling ----- gratitude. I started to understand the feelings of the citizens in the drought-threatened countries. They undergo this kind of suffering every day and night, whereas my family and I had suffered so agonizingly just during this short period of water cut. From that moment, I silently vowed in my petite heart that I would always appreciate the importance of water and will never waste a single drop of water for impractical aims.
Later that day, the sun sank down the faraway mountains, silhouetting it as light zephyrs billowed into my face, momentarily submerging me waves of pleasure. I was slouching luxuriously at the balcony, my thirst almost unbearable. Suddenly, a soft hissing sound entered my auditory canal and vibrated in my eardrum. I leaped up three feet into the air, my stomach churning in trepidation, briefly expecting a anaconda shooting up and confronting me (stop being quixotic, Steven, anacondas live in the Amazon! Not by your house). I immediately bashed away that thought and inspected more carefully. Wait, isn’t that the familiar gushing of water? I still remembered that I had left a tap open in the kitchen. Auspicious building in my chest, I dashed down the stairs and into the kitchen. There I saw a scene that almost froze my heartbeat. The kitchen tap was spluttering brownish rusty water copiously, making wonderful noises. Oh, how ecstatic I felt, how blissful! Thanks God, for relieving us from our misery. Immediately I rushed upstairs and broke the news to my parents. We were overjoyed! For the once and only time in my entire life, I dance joyfully along my exultant family.
That was the day the tap ran dry. Tormenting, but enlightening.


The crimson sun was setting, causing the faraway mountains to stand out in silhouette. A zephyr was billowing towards Connor, causing him to feel quite ecstasy. Connor, a Chelsea football fan, was still practicing kicking football at the field located near his house. The sky was turning grey, and darkness was enveloping the surroundings. Thus, he decided to make his way back home.
He picked up his mud-tattered football and placed it between his elbow and waist, and started his way back .He whistled as he walked, as he was apparently in a good mood. He decided to take a shortcut through a dark back-lane. It was totally deserted except for a stray cat trying to catch a very alert pigeon. He smiled at their antics. As he was busy noticing catching the two animals' antics, he didn't notice something was on the floor. He kicked it and went tripping. His ball rolled away while he suffered a grazed elbow. He grimaced, "What the…" he gaped, astonished as he saw a bulky rectangle shaped device. It possessed a square shaped liquid crystal screen which occupied half of the device. The other half was a keyboard like the one of the laptop's, except that it had a few unrecognizable symbols.
Half gaping, he stooped low and scooped the twinkling device up and was marveled by its advanced features. Afraid of other people seeing his discovery, he hastily pocketed the device. Connor decided to check the device out at night in his bedroom, which had more privacy. Thus, he quickened his pace 'cause he desired to reach home early.
Upon reaching home, he kept the rectangular device in his finger-print powered locker. The, he bathed and headed to the dining room to have dinner. Connor ate his dinner glumly. He had apparently lost his appetite. Right after eating his dinner, he paced towards his bedroom and locked the door silently, not before putting a "Don't Disturb" sign at the doorknob. Sure that he had full seclusion, he pressed his thumb on the finger-print sensor pad lightly, gradually adding the pressure. There was a bunch of words appeared on the screen. It said, "Fingerprint accustomed." There was a click sound being heard, followed by the opening of the locker. He retrieved the unknown device and used a piece of dry rag to polish it, making it as clean as if it was new. After that, Connor observed it. There was a fingerprint sensor on it. Connor hesitated for a moment and pressed his thumb on the sensor. There was a loud beep being let out from the device. His heart missed a beat but returned calm almost a millisecond later. He didn't need to worry about the fact that his mother would overhear 'cause the door of his room has sound proof abilities. He once again concentrated on the device, which had stopped beeping.
There were a few (again, unrecognizable) symbols appeared on the screen. He scratched his head while his brain felt simultaneously blank and confused. He continued looking at the device. It showed a map like the one on Google Earth. He swerved the semicircle on the device casually and to his astonishment, he found his house on the map. His eyes practically bulged out from their sockets. He was paralyzed for approximately one minute. The next moment, he was frantically fumbling with the semicircle thingy feverishly. Connor found the school he was studying in on the map. He gaped in awe. He then clicked the rectangle box on the corner of screen. He typed his grandfather's house address and clicked the "Enter" key. He didn't expect anything abnormal to happen.
Suddenly, his surroundings blurred as he was twirling gracefully like a dancer. There were all kinds of colours around him, such as burgundy, carroty-orange, amulet green, lavender, violet, purple, lilac, mauve, amethyst, heliotrope, baby blue, pink, et cetera. He was about to faint and puke when his surroundings stopped spinning. But he wasn't in his room anymore. He scanned his surroundings. Connor scarcely fainted. He flinched and the hair on his neck bristled repeatedly. He was right in front of his grandfather's house!!! "But, but, but… my grandfather's house is three hundred miles away from mine!!" he stammered out loud.
Connor quickly typed his house address on the rectangular box and once again, he was being hurled back to his house. Upon reaching his house, he found out that he was not in his room. He typed, "My room." On the rectangular box and he was right in his room. "Am I asleep and is this a dream?" he wondered out loud to no one. He slapped his face as hard as he could twice and tugged at his hair until some practically came out in bunches. "Aw," he grimaced. "Seems that this isn’t a dream." he muttered. His heart was pumping hard and fast because he had a colossal, gargantuan discovery. His legs felt simultaneously as heavy as lead and as irrepressible as jelly. His teeth were chattering as if they were skirmishing each other.
He decided to take another try to confirm the device's special abilities. He clicked the rectangle box and typed "The White house of United States of America.". He then braced himself for the make-a-mountain-out-of-a-molehill changes before hitting the "Enter" key. Instantly, he was again twirling as fast as lightning like a spinning top being hurled to the sandy ground .He and twirled, as thousands of colours appeared around him. He tried to diffract the sharp light beams around him but it was no avail. Connor really did puke this time. He vomited frequently and fainted halfway. When he awoke, he was not in his room anymore. He was right in front of a white palace. Frankly speaking, he was right in front of the White House! Because of the 24-hour system, the sun had rose to its zenith and was shining vibrantly. His eyes bulged out and he gulped down the drooling saliva. He made his way to the bush by the pathway. He decided to hide there and see what was happening. Connor waited patiently. Just when he was about to lose his patience, the front door opened wide and two soldiers dressed in starched white uniforms marched out, followed by two persons Connor never anticipated to meet~~~ Obama, and right behind him, was Biden. A jet-helicopter descended from the sky deliberately and lingered, when it finally landed with a soft thud. Obama, Biden and the two bodyguards marched into the opened door, babbling off among each other. Once the four persons were safely inside, the door closed automatically with a loud 'ping'. The aircraft ascended rapidly and in a moment, it was out of earshot and eyeshot. Connor squatted there, mesmerized by the scene in front of him. After a minute, he rubbed his eyes and shook his head. It was paranoid! He met Obama and Biden in real life! It was totally ballistic! Insane! Mad!
He fumbled to search for his teleporting device, as he named it. Upon finding it, he typed his home address and hit "Enter". Once again, after approximately one minute later, he was back in his house. He teleported back to his room once he regained consciousness and lay flat on his bed, face down. His mind raced as he thought about his trip just now. He had just travelled half of the world for only one minute! And he just met the president of the United States of America! What a discovery! Connor kept the teleporting device in his locker and locked it. Then, he sent a silent thank to God for giving him such a useful device. After that, he shut his eyes and drifted into a sleep with sweet dreams.
Early next day, Connor woke up groggily at his alarm clock's ring. He rubbed his eyes, and headed towards the bathroom to brush his teeth, as he was a hygienic person. Right after washing his face, the fact about the teleporting device darted into his mind. He practically jumped three feet into the air. On the next moment, he was fumbling with his toothbrush and pulling it through and forth. He finished his brushing in approximately thirty seconds and rushed out of the bathroom. Connor than wolfed down on his breakfast in rapid gulps till he almost choked and convulsed.
 After that, he returned to his room and once again, locked the door and took the device out from his locker and turned it on. He clicked the rectangular box and typed "Antarctic" without going through thinking process. He hit the "Enter" without hesitating and suddenly, a horrible fact darted into his mind. What if there isn't any thick clothing provided upon reaching there? Connor would freeze and eventually die! "Too late!" he thought and said a prayer to God. Then, he waited to meet StarClan.
He was hurled and twirled around like a dancer. He was sometimes upside down, sometimes standing. The surroundings cooled and he started to shiver and his teeth were chattering as if they were combating each other. Out of sudden, he felt as if his mother wrapped a piece of thick blanket around him. He felt as warm as possible. Actually, he was wearing a piece of thick, furry winter jacket. Without warning, he hit solid ground.
Actually, solid ice. He had reached his destination. The coldest place on planet Earth. The place that has no civilization. The home of penguins and many other winter animals. Antarctic.
Connor got to his feet in a great deal. He was wearing a ten centimeter thick heliotrope jacket. His legs were armed with an eight centimetre thick trousers, while his hands were protected with a pair of black coloured gloves. He wore a goggle like spectacle to protect his eyes from the billowing wind. "What an outfit!!!" he exclaimed out loud but his voice was being buried by the loud sounds of the wind. Connor wandered around for a while and decided to return home. He desired to return here next time, bringing a digital camera. Thus, he could capture the stunning winter photos here. Half a minute later, he was back in his room, gazing at the well furnished walls of it.
Without any reason, he had the urge to teleport to Singapore. He desired to pay the Singapore Flyer a visit and board it. So, he checked his wallet. There was five hundred ringgit inside. "More than enough." He thought. He then pocketed his wallet and grabbed his digital camera. After that, he typed "Singapore Flyer" on the rectangle box and hit "Enter". Thus, he was being teleported there.
Upon reaching Singapore, he found the Singapore Flyer. He bought the ticket, which cost approximately 30 Singapore Dollar (approximately 72 Ringgit). After waiting for half an hour, he managed to grab a seat on the Singapore Flyer.
The scenery aboard the Flyer was superb and magnificent. Connor was gaping and gasping continuously till he forgotten to capture pictures in the first round. On the second round, he was fumbling feverishly with his digital camera, taking photos of the terrific and outstanding scenery. His camera's memory was one gigabyte so he didn't have to worry that the memory was not enough.
After about five rounds, he left the Singapore Flyer. His mind was racing about, thinking about his experience just now. He had just boarded one of the world's most splendid wheel for a small fortune! What an experience.
          Connor bought a glass of lemonade from the nearby stall. His eyes glittered at the yellowish lemonade and its wonderful aroma. He inhaled a full mouth of breath and let the flavour drift into his glands, savouring every smell. Then, he took the glass to his lips and devoured it in quick, rapid gulps, enjoying its fabulous taste. Its pleasant smell comforted his throat. The cooling beverage slid down Connor’s oesophagus and dripped into his stomach, soothing every portion as it went through. The whole glass was suddenly empty as he finished every drip of this delicious, cooling juice. He felt like he was on cloud nine after he finished the juice and the dryness in his throat miraculously vanished. He exhaled a sigh of satisfaction. “Ah.” He bought one glass more to quench his irresistible thirst. That went on until he had five glasses.
          Connor decided to pay the toilet a visit as he had the sudden urge to pee. He staggered in an awkward angle and reached the toilet in no time. Upon reaching the toilet, he entered and urinated right into the toilet bowl. There were some shrill lady shrieks being heard from the outside. Actually, he had entered the ladies toilet. The hilarious fact really brought back sense to Connor. As he was stuck in the female toilet and if he comes out, he would be laughed by the girls outside, he decided to teleport straight back to his home. He hastily typed his home address, followed by “My room”. He then hit the “Enter” key without hesitating. He closed his eyes and waited for the normal changes.
          But, after one minute, still no changes occurred. That really made a great effect on Connor’s senses. Connor’s eyes flew wide in dismay and disbelieve. He thumped his fist on the screen, which had turned dark. Still, there was nothing. “Oh, man!” he whispered out in dismay. The hair on the back of his neck was bristling and an icy lump had formed on the pit of his stomach. He started to perspire. The device had malfunctioned. Connor was stuck at Singapore!